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All cryptocurrencies are falling, but BDM digital is only rising!

V članku s povezavo ta mesec na spletnem mestu Valor, ki temelji na podatkih QR Asset Management, je bilo obveščeno, da so “posvečene” kriptovalute maja izgubile več kot tretjino svoje vrednosti. Bitcoin je na primer zabeležil padec za 36,9 %, Earth pa za 60,79 %.

Kaj pa BDM?

Apreciacija 143,67 % od leta 2020!

Kako se lahko tako ceni ob špekulativnih napadih in obrekovalcih digitalnega gospodarstva?

Skozi vašo dejansko kupno moč .

Po besedah ​​strateške svetovalke Eliane do Canto je razlika BDM v njegovi obsežni komercialni mreži, zlasti v Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), ki jo oblikujejo partnerji, ki sprejemajo BDM, kot so: prodajalne avtomobilov; lekarne; trgovine z elektroniko; knjigarne; trgovine z gradbenim materialom; trgovine s pohištvom in dekoracijo; trgovine z oblačili; bencinska črpalka; supermarketi in hipermarketi.


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Dear members and sympathisers of Dakila.

We would like to inform you that due to an emergency situation and the inability of Urandir and other guests from Brazil to arrive in Slovenia, the Rogla 2023 event will be postponed to the spring of 2024.

Those of you who have already purchased tickets for the Rogla 2023 event will be able to use them at that time. The deposits you have paid to book your accommodation will also apply then. We will inform you about the postponed event when we have more information from Brazil. We sincerely apologise for the situation and ask for your understanding and patience. Ultimately and in the actual direction, things will always fall into place and unfold in the best way for all involved.
